Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pursuit (P:tC)

It’s still after me.

It’s been following me for hours on the road. Every attempt I make to lose her fails. It always, always manages to catch up to me. This thing is just as good as I am at fighting, just as good at riding, and just as good at finding places to run... And it always catches up. It’s been after me since I found it, and the worst part is that I know exactly what it wants...

I see her in my mirrors now... That same black, leather jumpsuit with the same tinted helmet, and the same position she had on her bike. I’d say she’s been staring at me the whole time we’ve been riding, but that’d be inaccurate... That’d imply that she could see. No, it’s just been following me on sheer instinct. I bank on every turn I can. If I hit a red, I just turn right. If I’m lucky enough to find a green, I turn left just to throw it off... At least for a little while. It doesn’t seem to show much regard for traffic laws, but at least it might get slowed down by oncoming cars...

Of course, I was wrong.

It’s always, always able to navigate complicated turns, weave in between cars and even go the wrong way on a street without any trouble... As long as it’s coming after me. I’m getting desperate now... I can still see her in my mirrors. My throat starts to burn on the inside, my neck tightening as though being wrapped by vines... Not now, why’d it have to be now...

Actually, I knew why. It was getting closer. That always happens when it starts getting too close. It started catching up... I got desperate, taking whatever out I could... I looked for somewhere, anywhere I could turn to lose her. I found an alley... I bucked up my bike, jumping for the sidewalk and making a sharp turn into it, hoping I can pop out on the other side... I’d piss off a few people walking, but it’s not like things could get much worse if it caught up with me...

A dead end. Great. Should’ve seen that coming... Naturally, it caught up with me and blocked off the only way out. I heard its voice... My voice, echoing in the back of my head as it spoke...

“My head is on your body. Give it back.”

I stared down the tinted helmet, my eyebrows creasing as I heard the voice echoed in the back of my mind, the tightening around my neck and the burning in my throat gritting my teeth. I positioned myself and got myself ready to hit the accelerator, revving up my motor as I gave her my answer.


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